Genealogy Relationships

How are you related to your cousins?

Identifying Relationships – This document describes the relationship between individuals within the same family. Sometimes, individuals get confused about the various relationships, particularly when the expression 1st or 2nd cousin, once or twice removed is used. This chart simplifies the various family relationships and provides a useful table for identifying the various relationships up to a fifth cousin.

First Cousins Share the same set of Grandparents.
Second Cousins Share the same set of Great-Grandparents
Third Cousins Share the same set of Great-Great-Grandparents
Fourth Cousins Share the same set of Great-Great-Great -Grandparents
Fifth Cousins Share the same set of Great- Great-Great-Great -Grandparents

Cousins – Removed

The term “removed” indicates the separation of a generation. Therefore:

  • First Cousin-Once Removed My First Cousin’s child
  • First Cousin-Twice Removed My First Cousin’s Grandchild (My First Cousin’s once removed child)
  • First Cousin-Three Times Removed My First Cousin’s Great-Grandchild; the common ancestors are 3xG-Grandparents.

Another example:

  • Third Cousin-Once Removed My Third Cousin’s child
  • Third Cousin-Twice Removed My Third Cousin’s Grandchild (My Third Cousin’s once removed child)
  • Third Cousin-Three Times Removed My Third Cousin’s Great-Grandchild; the common ancestors are 5xG-Grandparents.

It is appropriate to identify a wife of a cousin by saying (e.g.) wife of the first cousin, twice removed etc.

Relationship Chart