Genealogy Books


Evidence – Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian – Elizabeth Shaw Mills.
Written in an easy and readable format, it covers most topics related to developing and using Citations for the records uncovered by your Genealogy research.  (Hardcover)

Genealogy Standards – Board for Certification of Genealogists.
Covers the standards for most areas of Genealogy as defined by the Board for Certification of Genealogists. (Softcover)

Country Specific:

The Family Tree Irish Genealogy Guide – Claire Santry
Basic information, facts and suggestions for where to search for your Irish ancestors. (Softcover)

A Research Guide for Norwegian Genealogy – Norwegian American Genealogy Center & Naeseth Library.
For beginners and some experienced users as it contains information on early settlements and Norway. (Softcover-Spiral Bound)

History of the Norwegian Settlements
A very useful book describing the early Midwestern Norwegian settlements. Originally published in 1908 and republished in 2006. (Hardcover)

Ole Goes to War – Jerry Rosholt
Men from Norway who fought in the Civil War. (Softcover)


The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy – Blaine T. Bettinger
Probably the most useful book for obtaining a basic understanding of DNA. (Softcover)

Genetic Genealogy-The Basics and Beyond – Emily D. Aulicino
 My first book on DNA, an easy ‘Read’ providing a good summary of DNA. (Softcover)

Your DNA guide the book – Diahan Southard.
Published in 2020, this book provides a step-by-step approach to finding your lost relatives. (Softcover)

The Genealogists Guide to Y-DNA Testing for Genetic Genealogy – David Vance
A comprehensive guide to Y-DNA testing and how to interpret and use the results. (Softcover)

The Stranger in My Genes – Bill Griffeth
 Surprised by his DNT test results, he describes his quest to discover his real origin. (Softcover)

A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived – Adam Rutherford.
Describes the ‘Out of Africa’ theory and human migrations using genetics. (Softcover)


Cased Images & Tintypes – Gary W. Clark
Useful for evaluating early photographs up to 1900. Provides comprehensive examples for the many photographic processes, how photographs were mounted and various fashion trends for the period. (Softcover)  

19th. Century Card Photographs – Gary W. Clark
Expands upon the book, ‘Cased Images & Tintypes’ by providing more details of the border styles used for Cartes de Visite and Cabinet Cards. (Softcover)

20th. Century Photographs – Gary W. Clark
Covers studio, formal portraits, and the early years of ‘Snapshot’ photography. It includes the style and trends in photography from 1900 -1950. (Softcover)

Family Photo Detective – Maureen Taylor
General book for use in identifying old photographs. (Softcover)

Uncovering your ancestry through family photographs – Family chronicle
 The book consists of over 650 photographic reproductions with a known date.  (Softcover)

There is a second book called More dating of old photographs which adds more albums and photographs from the 1840s to the 1920s


Organize your genealogy – Drew Smith.
Excellent book on organizing your approach to Genealogy. Has suggestions about applications that might be useful for helping structure your genealogy searches. (Softcover)